Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss it all. Robert Louis Stevenson There is so much in our everyday life for which we can be grateful. It could be our family, our children, the joy of watching a tomato or rose … [Read more...]
Emily’s Dream
When people say it’s just a horse, they don’t understand. When I saw Emily Mandel perched on her beloved horse Raja, I saw a world where possibility reigns. Sadly, Raja is no longer on this plane of existence, but there is no doubt Emily’s love for this creature lives … [Read more...]
Finding Center
You can't run from the shadow. But you can invite it to dance. Sometimes we have to travel to the edge of ourselves to take a new look at our center. Our lives are known by contrasts. Shadows make it possible to see light; similarly, light reminds us of the shadows. To really … [Read more...]
Contacting God
The best way to find God is to find love. The other day, while in the car, I opened my Smartphone and asked Siri to speak to a colleague whose name was unique and started with a G. Interestingly enough, Siri “thought” that I asked to speak to God. She replied that she did … [Read more...]
Nature’s Lesson
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly. I allowed myself these past few days to dip into negativity. Of course, when it happens, I defend the dip as if it stands in absolute truth. Except, the problem with this insistence on being … [Read more...]
Living Full Out
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live. Just before my grandfather died, he told my father that he wished he never shot the deer. A lifelong hunter, it became one of my grandfather’s most profound regrets. My father’s … [Read more...]
Ready to Play
Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. Agnes Sligh Turnball I knew Wallace, a french bulldog, just a short time. Lucky me, I encountered him at the digital photography firm, Chrome, where I often take my paintings to be photographed. His owner, Israel … [Read more...]
Intentional Conversation
Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening. Lisa M. Hayes I talk to myself all the time. In the house, in the car, at work when I think no one can hear, on a sidewalk with my dogs in tow. It can get quite interesting what I say. Some of my … [Read more...]
Live Well
I attended the funeral recently of someone I knew for a brief time; for others, so much more. She was referred to as BB, a larger than life redhead with piercing blue eyes and a spirit to match. She embraced her path and the community to which she would belong with a fierce … [Read more...]
Cultivate Intentions
A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. Liberty Hyde Bailey Nothing comes for free. It may seem so at times, but the truth is, the … [Read more...]