I am never good about taking time off. Ask Jim. It frustrates him to no end. I have plenty of vacation, so that is not the problem, but I do have problems letting go enough to relax and focus on other matters besides work. I also have problems sitting still. Getting me to go … [Read more...]
Morning in our household is not a quiet thing, although it used to be. Since Merlin arrived on the scene we can be assured a correct wake up time of no later than 6:30 am. Since I don’t do mornings, make that Jim can be assured a correct wake up time of no later than 6:30 … [Read more...]
In the Company of Doves
There is nothing more soothing to me than the gentle cooing of a mourning dove. We hear them often in our yard. They watch over us from the telephone wires. They nestle in nearby trees. They feed upon our garden ground. Tonight one flew and landed upon our rose arbor as I did my … [Read more...]
Marrying Jim
Four years ago today Jim and I made it official in the Botanical Garden at Balboa Park. He picked Saint Patrick’s Day for our wedding so we would never forget the date. Very smart of him. He chose the location too, perfect if one wants to win a gardening girl’s heart. It was … [Read more...]
How Life Began
The more help a man has in his garden, the less it belongs to him. - William M. Davies I think sometimes that life began the moment I started a garden. There are other purposes to my life, but as I watch a gazania bloom, I am convinced that no other use exists for my … [Read more...]
Fearless Gardening
Future gardener on the Encinitas garden tourYesterday my friends Kris and Rose joined me on a San Diego Horticultural Society garden tour in Encinitas, California. Three ladies with different needs and talents off on a journey to see how others tackled their landscape. We … [Read more...]
I Don’t Do Rain
Bud Hartwell is a friend of my husband. He started the San Diego Volvo Club in 1978 that my husband now heads. When Bud was recently asked to attend a Volvo meeting, and it was raining, Bud replied, “I don’t do rain." My husband doesn’t do rain either. Nor does our other … [Read more...]
A Garden Not Imagined
Gardens are a form of autobiography. ~Sydney Eddison, Horticulture magazine, August/September 1993 I thought I knew what I wanted from life. From an early age I carefully defined my path, outlining my next steps with meticulous detail. Marriage by 30, children by 30, a … [Read more...]
Who Took The Tomatoes?
Jim and I like to entertain, so when he volunteered to have the Volvo club over for burgers and hot dogs this past summer, I said no problem. Any chance to enjoy good food with good friends is always a pleasure. Perfect time as well to show off the garden (me) or the cars … [Read more...]
Dirt is Dirt is Dirt. Or Is It?
One of the first things I learned early on was the importance of good dirt. Like most everything else if the ingredients aren’t just right, you can have problems. Good ingredients make for good outcomes. Aside from knowing I needed to tackle landscaping in smaller doses, I … [Read more...]