Consider the possibility of a miracle, okay? You are hit with the double whammies of self-doubt and the not sure this is really happening conundrums that make you question all that you hold true.
Enter the miracle –embracing your humanity and the equal view that you possess all it takes to make it happen – whatever it is.
Magic is an underestimated possibility, holding the promise of the treasure just around the bend. It casts its dust when you least expect it. Consider Merlin. A most impossible dog with a propensity for not only all smells, but supreme love. He came at a time when we decided no more dogs. He asked us to consider otherwise, in the soulful eyes that looked into our own souls and in the wag of a tail that wanted so much to be loved and to love.
Merlin vies for our attention often. He also tells us when he is not getting enough of it. He will sense the distress of our other dogs and do all he can to sniff out that distress and spend precious time attending to the matter. Like with our other basset hound, Rocky, who has challenges with his eyes, and gets regular grooming from Merlin as a result.
Animals teach us about love all the time. Every time I consider a life with one less dog – that is, five minus one – I hit pause, because despite my occasional clamor towards a life less complicated, I consider how each and every dog in our life has brought infinite joy to our household.
I struggle every day to know and live my purpose. I contemplate that it may exist in the daily steps I take to fully live the life I have sewn by real relationships, complex moments and impassioned dreams still worth vying for. Merlin is part of the impossibility that says no more, but without Merlin I would not consider why not.
This weekend I spent hours in the garden, preparing it for the spring as it lay quietly dormant in its winter state. Still, despite the dormancy, I heard the whispers of the plants and seeds and bulbs as I walked by them, telling me their season of expression was about to occur. It put me into motion, giving purpose to the hours I spent, laying hope through each action that the unveiling about to come was worth every ache and pain. The magic of gardening is like Merlin’s love. I will never be the same as a result.
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