It comes at me in record speed, the conflict when I want or have to do it all and feel torn by what to do next. I live in many worlds, but I struggle at how to divide my time between them all….tending to husband, tending to work, tending to the garden.
They each have a place in maintaining essential balance. Relationship, making a difference, creative expression in all its forms, nourish different aspects of our souls. If we give too much to one we lose the other. Wholeness can only be fed by wholeness.
We must dance every day to the demands of life, but if we ignore our inner rhythm we can lose site of what feeds us. My husband finds joy in taking old Volvo’s and bringing them to new life. I find joy in tending the earth. We both have other demands, but we are fed by the renewal of something once lost to disrepair or the elements. With time, we take the once forgotten back to the place where it again thrives. We are renewed by their renewal.
Even so, our commitment to one passion cannot forsake attention to the other. If we let this happen, everything is thrown out of whack. Just like a garden requires the right recipe of soil, compost and tending to thrive, so does everything else in our lives. Divide your attention to the things that matter carefully. Like a well tended garden, a well tended life reaps the same benefits of beauty, peace and accomplishment.
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