We often hear or speak it: there but for the grace of God go I. A suggestion perhaps that without God’s grace we might find ourselves in hard circumstances except for some reason we are given the blessing of otherwise.
I consider this possibility now. How, for whatever reason, I am given the life I have despite my failings? Did I do the right thing in my childhood? In a past life? Why am I so blessed?
The blessing of otherwise is about the miracles we do not understand and the blessings that come our way in spite of ourselves. We do not know why we are so blessed, we just are. We would be wise to not count on those blessings as common place, yet at the same time we would be wise to distinguish they are in part there because we recognize them.
The truth is so much of life is either feast or famine depending on our perspective. We can complain about what isn’t there or rejoice on what is. In a garden, it is either the thorn of the rose or its bloom. Take your pick. Both have a place in the way of things. Without one, we cannot know the value of the other.
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