If I were to dwell on all that is not right with my life I would lose sight of what is right. So is true with life. So is true with gardening.

There is a certain mystique in the unknown, in the promise of what lies beyond our effort. We look around us and see the garden speak of a mystery for which we have no clue. I am made genius by that which is a given, but it really is not my genius. Good soil, compost and water make for magnificent happenings. Truly I had nothing to do with it, except perhaps to offer the basics and then get out of the way.
So is true with life. No matter what, if we want the thing that brings us peace, or real solitude, we must be willing to let go and let God, or get out of the way, if you will. We may have to do certain things to make it possible, but all things said, we must be willing to allow for healing by stepping aside instead of imposing our own will. You may not be religious or spiritual, but consider the possibility that none of us really see the magic if we are too busy directing traffic.
Lost promise is also promise found. It comes about in forgiveness of ourselves and others and in a willingness to let life fall where it may. I am not advocating to be passive, but I am advocating for looking at life through a different lense. Sometimes the thing that is lost makes way for something grander. I see this in the garden, in the birth of plants that I had long thought dead. I also see this when I quiet myself enough to notice things around me that would not have happened if I insisted on an entirely different outcome.
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