There are paths in gardens we plan. And then there are paths we don’t. Initially, when we first began the landscape of the backyard, it seemed obvious. Three staircases made the first path. As we started to lay the soil and plants and arbors, other paths began to define themselves naturally from our human standpoint. Until the dogs stepped in.
The dogs didn’t dismiss our design but they did expand it!

Take Basset Crossing. It started innocently enough. Largely because it was easier for the dogs to saunter up a flatter area than mount stairs. But the path did start where none existed before, slowly and surely by a paw that moved steadily and diligently towards its goal. Some plants gave their life for this reality or simply moved to the side. The path continues up to the top of our lot and is also part of the daily chase initiated by Merlin. There are other paths that have been attempted and where possible I allow for them, but some have been nixed with the use of fencing.
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