Think about it. You walk along a path, surrounded by flowers of assorted color and character. The variety is immense, almost unfathomable, if you really consider the fact. In comparison, you wonder how petty the matter is of your daily affairs and all its riotous chatter. Did I eat too much or too little? Did I put out the garbage? Did I wear the right outfit? Did I really say the right thing in that meeting this morning?
The garden could care less. Its appeal is that it isn’t bothered about our petty considerations and worrisome thoughts. It asks us, actually, to consider a larger view. One that involves seeing our lives as something more than senseless meanderings over what we did and didn’t do today. The more telling reality of the garden is its reflection of our efforts. To be thoughtful, to press forward even when we don’t want to, to take risks, to breath and consider how blessed we are when all is said and done.
The flower is a gift in time. The revelation comes in a moment when the sun sets or rises and we see all of a sudden its magnificence. It is that WOW factor that reminds us that despite the craziness of our lives, there is a certain kind of permanence in the beauty of that moment when we see the flower as if for the first time. It is a kind of permanence that changes outwardly, but remains steady by the imprint it leaves on our hearts. We would be wise to pay heed to its voice, to stop and truly smell the flower.
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