We have several names for him — Tucker Boy, Big Boy, Big Man, Mr.Black. But no matter how you slice it, he’s our Tucker. 130 pounds give or take a few and about to turn ten this December. When my husband Jim and I started dating, he met Tucker with an oh, my God. It was questionable if we would continue dating, at least it seemed so at the time, until I got to know my husband and how much he is a sucker for animals. Tucker was about a year old at the time, like a ballistic missle gone haywire, bouncing off the walls in my two story townhome much too small for his ten story energy. Part black lab/rottweiler, he needed a ten acre ranch! But that big hairy lug of a dog got to Jim’s heart. He still lives there as he does in mine.
I adopted Tucker from a Wenatchee, Washington shelter, traveling the distance from Seattle twice, before I could take him home for good. The shelter employee said he would be no more than 45-55 pounds, which was a gross under-estimation. I cried the day I discovered the incorrect assessment from someone who knew better. However, to this day, I will never regret my decision to hang on! When we get crazy about our new dog child, Merlin, and all his wild ways, I am reminded about Tucker and how he challenged us both. Laid back now and just a giant bear of a dog wanting scratches, we see in Merlin’s future a mellow dog! At least we pray.
I am very partial to adopting shelter animals. In fact, I recommend it highly! There are so many great animals who need homes and the ones that have come our way have blessed our lives many times over.

This past month I got some shots of our big boy, gray whiskers and all. Seeing the shots, I am grateful for the gifts of all creatures great and small.
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