So, before going to Day Three, let’s go back to Day Two.
My husband Jim asks me to join him in his official duties as San Diego’s Volvo Club president to visit the La Mesa Village Car Show. I drag my feet on this one — I would much rather stew over work issues, right? — but I am pleasantly surprised. I really do like fellow club members like Bud, Gene , Alan, Mark and his wife Diane as well as Russ and Debbie. They hang out pretty well and offer no pretenses in social graces. Meaning not that they lack any. On the contrary, they are quite the accomplished crowd, but truth be known, they are as down to earth as they come and I like that. I can be myself.

So within several minutes I am getting into this car show thing. I am all over the vintage trucks. I have this vision of a vintage truck and my life as a nursery owner. Jim seems a bit surprised, but gets right in there with me. Would love it, I suspect, if I say go find me one. I see one in particular I really love, a nice green one, but the owner drives off before I get a shot. And damn, it was for sale. I discover another one, a red one, and Jim, upon my insistence, takes this picture, with me in front of it, although my eyes are closed.

So where does this land me? Considering perhaps that I am more than my job and all the stresses I carry.
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