Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.
– Lawrence Block
There are no accidents. I look around me and I see a life that speaks not to chance, but to something other. Did I plan it? Did I expect it? Not really. I just know that it came about over time. It is a life where one step led to another, and where one experience gave foundation to another experience, until I landed where I am now.
I never saw San Diego in my future. I didn’t see my husband either. Nor the family he brought with him. I never imagined as many dogs that surround me now. Or that I would embrace a garden like the one I have. Did I plan it this way? Not really. But did I know better? Not really.

For the most part, life is better than I imagined it would be. I am awed actually how it continues to turn out. The people, the settings, myself. It’s as if God is saying (and often) step aside, girl, I have an even better idea.
How humbling. When I was younger, I thought I knew better. How arrogant to think so. Now I marvel at the blessings. Jim, Michelle, Thomas, Doug, and Alex, for example, and a host of loving and zany dogs. There are my parents and brothers. There are also co-workers like Heather, Bonnie, Matt and Gail, to name just a few. Ditto with the neighbors, for the most part. I did not imagine these individuals in my narrow vision of my life. Now they expand that vision, making me, I hope, a better person than the previous version I entertained.
Serendipity is a fabulous word. It is also a wonderful expression of a better life. Beyond our dreams. Beyond our visions. Come to think of it, stepping aside is a good idea.
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