I try to think about nature and my part in it. I go about my daily tasks like I should, but lately I have given thought that maybe I have not quite done enough. I take much for granted. The bloom of a rose, the tried and true unfoldment of a Mexican sage bush, the steady buzz of a hummingbird, the happy nature of an aeonium. Yet in my complacency have I forgotten the gift? Of things I take for granted that I assume will always be there? Of a friend I hope will stand steadfastly by my side when I have not fully stood by them, at least by my standards? Compared to nature, I am a novice. True goodness is so many things. I have a lot to learn if I am to ever get there.
The garden that I see today is amazing. I am surprised by it as much as I am surprised by myself. I ask, how can this be? When did it become this? I held a vision and in spite of myself, the garden sprang. Lucky me. I made it easier for the plants to grow and give way to magic by digging into the ground good soil and compost, but that seems nothing compared to the seed and all it becomes. Within that seed is so much. Color, food, beauty, life reborn, and so much more.
The things we want from life occur in much the same way. We have to do our part in making it possible for them to succeed. There are good things to be had in spite of our shortcomings. There are good things to expect if we take time to do the work that needs to be done. Only then can we step aside so that nature can do the rest. It is a call for action as much as it is a call for letting go. To be successful, we must be able to do both.
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