Some of you may recall my post from May 8 of a mystery plant that for the life of me I couldn’t identify beyond my strong suspicions it was an agave. But what kind of agave?

Thanks to our friend, Tom Henry, owner of Orchids de Oro in Los Angeles, I found the name to our mystery plant. Tom confirmed my suspicions that this is an agave, but to be precise an Agave vilmoriniana, more popularly known as the Octopus agave.
If you are interested in buying this fabulous plant, check out Annie’s Annuals and Perennials site under Merlin’s Favorite Nurseries which describes the plant in detail. According to what I read, the plant comes from Mexico, does great in containers, works well in part sun/shade with low/average water. Drought tolerant and deer proof! I can attest to the drought tolerant part! Finally, it will produce a 10-12 foot tall flower spike of yellow blooms after years, but I assure you mine is much higher and happened much faster!
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