“An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life.”

I am a fan of nurseries. So much so that you can count on the fact that I will visit one at least once in the week, no matter what time of year. A better week involves more visits. One of my favorite spots is Armstrong Garden Center in Mission Valley. I know most of the store’s employees by name. They joke that I have more buying points than most of their customers. I am what you call a regular. I like nurseries. I like this one especially. It is not so large that I feel out of sorts, and it is warm and friendly on approach. The music and sound of running water nourish me as much as looking at the plants. I feel right at home. The employees make me feel like one of them.
Joe is one such employee. I happened upon him on one of my many visits to the place. He was helping me research a plant and the conversation developed from there. I told him that I thought I had a problem. He looked at me curious. I can’t help myself, I said. I have to buy at least one plant a week. He laughed then. In fact we both laughed. I have the same problem, he said. My wife thinks I am crazy.
I guess there are worse addictions. For me the sheer variety of plant life is so vast I can’t think of ever getting bored. A problem, yes, especially when you consider the choices, but a problem I would take any day over others. To consider also the intelligence behind such creativity, well, it’s impossible. One day I will have to do better at doing propagation, but even then it won’t calm the quest entirely. I will always be an addict.
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