How do you begin a new life? You reach only to find a greater uncertainty you wish were not so. I look upon the green expanse of a life I once thought distant. Now it is mine. When did that happen? And what do I do with it?

There is a need for inspiration, but truth be known, it is as fleeting as the desire to have it. What makes us see life with new eyes, even if the scenery is the same? We must do the chores, but how do we bring meaning to the effort so it does not feel like more of the same? It must have to do with our spirit and what we bring to the table. Without an expectant heart, embracing the possibilities of a life, we are lost.
Consider the old saying: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. What we view of the life we have is what shapes it. Nothing is stagnant but our thought.
Today I see a tomato plant six feet high and six feet wide. A Champion tomato that is resplendent in its reach. It started as a seed and with water and sun became so much more. It provides beauty and food. I could pass it with a yawn, but that would be unfortunate. Its gift tells me that real genius is in the mystery of the life that surrounds us. How lucky we are indeed!
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