Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss it all. Robert Louis Stevenson
There is so much in our everyday life for which we can be grateful. It could be our family, our children, the joy of watching a tomato or rose grow, the chance encounter with a friend that reminds us we can and will prevail, regardless of the circumstance in front of us. Healing comes in all forms. Whatever it may be, we are given pause to consider that each moment is precious, and each life blesses us.
Consider this fellow, our happy goat. He possesses the smile of resilience, a reminder that we can’t give up, ever. There is that old song – don’t worry, be happy – that can nag at us. But the truth be known, it’s a powerful message that hope will carry us in our darkest times and bless us with new perspectives we had not yet imagined.
Frame a smile. Fake it until you make it. Hope is everywhere. This friendly mascot of possibility is ours today. Don’t give up. Ever.
Hi Leslie. This touched me. I live on Whidbey Island. Yesterday my granddaughter called me crying, her beloved pet goat Pumpkin had died. She had not been well So sad for the whole family. They all loved Pumpkin so much. Such a sweet pet. Rosalina
Dear Rosalina, Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry to hear for your loss. We have a home on Whidbey. If you feel comfortable doing so, please send me pictures of your granddaughter’s goat. Perhaps I can paint her beloved Pumpkin. I love to honor these special creatures and what they do for our lives. Best, Lesley